ANPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc.
No.59, YeHe Roaduff0cYexie Townuff0cSongjiang District Shanghai 201609,P.R.C.
  • Syringe filter
  • Syringe filter
  • Syringe filter
  • Syringe filter

Syringe filter

Item No.: 00011
Made in Cleanroom, Practical Packing, Undergo many quality control tests
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Why need for filtration
Sample and mobile phase filtration are simple, economical practices to extend the life of chromatography consumable. A basic HPLC system consists of solvent reservoir, pump,injector, column, detector, and data recording system. Particles and microbial not removed by filtration interfere with nearly every system component.

Mobile phase filtration
Mobile phase filtration can reduce the possibility of sieve blockage, accessories pollution, valve damage, capillary occlusion, peak distortion, and the occurrence of interfering peaks and baseline noise.

Protection for pump
Pump is the most important single component of the HPLC system, the most common problem include check valves, pump seals, blockage, and air bubbles. Incorrect pump functioning results in increased baseline noise, irreproducible retention times and increased operating pressures. Check valves control the solvent flow direction through the pump head and ensure steady pressures when sealed properly. Particle in check valves can leak or stick causing flow and/or pressure problems. A pump seal facilitates piston movement in the pump head. Pump seals wear more quickly than other pump parts, and therefore require changing every three to six months. A failing pump seal is evident from an inability to pump at high pressures, leakage behind the pump head, and changing in sample retention. Pump seal wear can result in sloughing seals and contamination from this material. Buffer crystals built up from evaporated mobile phase also will accelerate wear. Pump seal life can be extended by filtering the mobile phase solvents to remove the particles responsible for accelerated seal wear.

Protection for injector
The rotor and the stator rotates when injector valve working, the micro-channels on the surface converse to achieve the LOAD and INJECT function. The existence of particles may damage the surface, then results leak or blockage. Loop may be blocked, and it results in high back pressure, loop filling difficulty, and peak area decrease. Particulate-free samples are essential for auto samplers to decrease blocked sample needles. Sample, mobile phase and in-line filtration are efficient protection for injector and column.

In-line filters and guard columns
In-line filters are ideal because it is impossible to avoid particulate from system wear, such as polymeric seal wear from the pump and sample injector, except with an in-line filter. The normal pore hole of removable frits of in-line filters are 0.5μm and 2.0 μm.

Guard columns can collect chemical and physical waste that block the main column inlet, cause column voids and degrade performance. The guard column retains irreversible and strongly retained components that degrade the column and decrease its lifetime, providing an inexpensive alternative to frequent column replacement. The frits of a guard column are typically 2.0μm, which is not sufficient for particulate removal. Sample and mobile phase filtration will preserve the capacity of the guard column for its intended use: chemical contamination removal.

Significant problems with HPLC columns are chemical absorption, blocked frits and channel voids. Chemical changes are prevented with guard
columns. Voids are created by particulate matter and pressure shock. If poor peak shapes become evident by badly tailing and splitting, without a change in retention time, blocked frits or a column void has occurred.

Daily maintenances commented to protect columns and whole system include:
1.Filtering solvents through filter membrane.
2.Filtering samples through syringe filter.
3.Utilizing a 0.5 μm in-line filter to trap injector and pump particulates.
Description Packaging Cat. No.
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.45 μm, blue                                                                100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF1101.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.45 μm, blue                                                                100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF1101.B001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.22 μm, yellow                                                              100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF1102.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.22 μm, yellow                                                            100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF1102.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.45 μm, blue                                                                100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF1201.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.45 μm, blue                                                                100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF1201.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.20 μm, yellow                                                            100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF1202.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PES membrane, 0.20 μm, yellow                                                            100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF1202.B001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.45 μm, white                                                            100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF2101.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.45 μm, white                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF2101.B001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.22 μm, green                                                          100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF2102.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.22 μm, green                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF2102.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.45 μm, white                                                          100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF2201.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.45 μm, white                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF2201.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.20 μm, green                                                          100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF2202.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter Nylon membrane, 0.20 μm, green                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF2202.B001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.45um, orange                                                            100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF3101.0001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.45um, orange                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF3101.B001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.22 um, purple                                                          100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF3102.0001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.22 um, purple                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF3102.B001
PRECLEAN 25mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.45um, orange                                                                100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF3201.0001
PRECLEAN 25mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.45um, orange                                                                100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF3201.B001
PRECLEAN 25mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.2 um, purple                                                                  100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF3202.0001
PRECLEAN 25mm Syringe Filter, PTFE membrane, 0.2 um, purple                                                                100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF3202.B001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.45 μm, red                                                                100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF4101.0001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.45 μm, red                                                                100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF4101.B001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.22 μm, black                                                            100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF4102.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.22 μm, black                                                            100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF4102.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.45 μm, red                                                                100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF4201.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.45 μm, red                                                              100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF4201.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.22 μm, black                                                            100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF4202.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PVDF membrane, 0.22 μm, black                                                            100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF4202.B001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.45 μm, light blue                                                            100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF5101.0001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.45 μm, light blue                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF5101.B001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.22 μm, invisible green                                                  100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF5102.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.22 μm, invisible green                                                100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF5102.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.45 μm, light blue                                                        100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF5201.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.45 μm, light blue                                                          100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF5201.B001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.22 μm, invisible green                                                  100 pcs per PET jar 2.CF5202.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm Syringe Filter PP membrane, 0.22 μm, invisible green                                                  100 pcs per PE bag 2.CF5202.B001
PRECLEANTM 13mm Syringe Filter, welded, PTFE membrane(Hydrophilic), 0.45μm, pink                            100 pcs per PE bag 2.EF6101.0001
PRECLEANTM 13mm 针头过滤器,焊接式,PTFE 膜(亲水性),0.22 μm,金色                        每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.EF6102.0001
PRECLEANTM 25mm 针头过滤器,焊接式,PTFE 膜(亲水性),0.45 μm,粉色                              每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.EF6201.0001
PRECLEANTM 25mm 针头过滤器,焊接式,PTFE 膜(亲水性),0.22 μm,金色                      每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.EF6202.0001
PRECLEANTM 13mm 针头过滤器,焊接式,PVDF 膜(亲水性),0.45 μm,灰色                          每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.EF7101.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm 针头过滤器,焊接式,PVDF 膜(亲水性),0.22 μm,棕色                      每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.EF7102.0001
PRECLEANTM 13 mm 针头过滤器,PVDF 膜(亲水性),0.02 μm,天然色                                    每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.CF7103.0001
PRECLEANTM 25mm 针头过滤器,焊接式,PVDF 膜(亲水性),0.45 μm,灰色                          每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.EF7201.0001
PRECLEANTM 25 mm 针头过滤器,焊接式,PVDF 膜(亲水性),0.22 μm,棕色                      每 PE 袋装 100 个 2.EF7202.0001
PRECLEANTM 13mm 针头过滤器,带预过滤层,PTFE 膜(亲水),0.45 μm,粉色      每 PET 罐装 100 个 2.CF6101.D001
PRECLEANTM 13mm 针头过滤器,带预过滤层,PTFE 膜(亲水),0.22 μm,金色 每 PET 罐装 100 个 2.CF6102.D001
PRECLEANTM 25mm 针头过滤器,带预过滤层,PTFE 膜(亲水),0.45 μm,粉色     
