ANPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc.
No.59, YeHe Road,Yexie Town,Songjiang District Shanghai 201609,P.R.C.
Athena C18-WP
  • Athena C18-WP
  • Athena C18-WP

Athena C18-WP

Recommended for Method Development, fit for a variety of mobile phase conditions
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Description PH Stability Application Ordering Information
Athena C18-WP use high purity of spherical silica matrix and have excellent stability. Athena C18-WP can use 100% pure water as mobile phase for separation of acidic, neutral and basic organic compound, as well as many drugs and peptides etc. A variety of specifications, from analytical to preparative scale can be provided.

• bonded C18 groups
• pH stability range: 1.5-10
• Suitable for 100% water mobile phase
• Strong retain for polar substances
• Symmetrical peak shape for Alkaline substances
• High specific surface area, suitable for high load
