ANPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc.
No.59, YeHe Roaduff0cYexie Townuff0cSongjiang District Shanghai 201609,P.R.C.
Organotin contamination in Marine Biota from the Fildes Peninsula coast, Antarctic
  • Organotin contamination in Marine Biota from the Fildes Peninsula coast, Antarctic

Organotin contamination in Marine Biota from the Fildes Peninsula coast, Antarctic

Keywords: Antarctic; butyltin; phenyltin; marine biota; bioaccumulation
Abstract: Butyltin compounds were found in limited areas in Antarctic,but there are no reports about the phenyltin contamination and organotin transfer across trophic levels in Antarctic marine food chains. Therefore,thirty-two pooled samples ( pooled by a number of individuals of same species) of 20 marine biota species were collected from the Fildes Peninsula coast,Antarctic since December 2014 to January 2015. Extraction by methanol /acetic acid,derivatization by sodium etraethylborate and purification by Florisil column were carried out before monobutyltin ( MBT) ,dibutyltin ( DBT) ,tributyltin ( TBT) ,diphenyltin ( DPhT) and triphenyltin ( TPhT) in these samples were measured using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS) . The transmission characteristics of different organotin compounds along food chain were discussed. The concentration ranges of organotin in the seaweeds,invertebrates,fish,seals and birds were n. d. ~ 19. 5,8. 6 ~ 11. 0,10. 8,4. 2 ~ 12. 9 and 21. 6 ~ 27. 0 ng·g-1 ( as Sn,dry weight,if not specified) ,respectively. TBT,DBT,DPhT and TPhT were detected in biological samples,whereas MBT was not detectable. Macroalgae had the bioconcentration ability for TBT and DBT,and TBT showed a certain extent biomagnification with the increase of the trophic level. The concentrations of TBT and TPhT were the highest in organisms at the top of the food chain. Meanwhile some organisms at high trophic level were found to be able to eliminate someorganotins.